Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Reviving My Blog

Where do I begin?

So much had happened for the past 5 years.  Not all of them bad though!  I just want to start with a little drama.  But to be honest, my blogging took a back seat.  Life had been very busy while taking care of the family, Nina's schooling, parents getting older and needing more attention, etc.

Crafting?  Of course, I'm still doing it, and I'll keep on doing it till I'm six feet below the ground.  Can I take my craft tools with me?  (Ooopps!!! Getting a bit morbid eh! :p)

Seriously, I still do a lot of crafting.  Most of which are related to my daughter's school activities.  Paper crafting and crocheting are still very much part of my life. But now I want to improve my writing skills too and to venture on other types of crafts.

What's my plan? None, so far.  I just hope that I'll be able to improve my blog and keep this up.  Wish me luck!  And as always, HAPPY CRAFTING!!! 😘🙏💗